Option 1: CHC – Pharmacy
Now there’s no need to make an extra stop to fill your prescription after you leave your appointment! To provide affordable and convenient access for the whole community, as of Summer 2023, an onsite pharmacy has become available at CHC – Riverside. We accept all major commercial insurances, Medicare, and Medicaid. Do not hesitate to call our pharmacy and speak to our staff about any updates.
CHC – Pharmacy Manager: Kathleen Wobby
Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Call: (802) 318-4191
Frequently Asked Questions about the CHC – Pharmacy:
What is the Community Health Centers – Pharmacy?
The Community Health Centers – Pharmacy (CHC – Pharmacy) is an in-house pharmacy at Community Health Centers (CHC) where you can have your prescriptions filled. Though the pharmacy is located at CHC – Riverside, anybody can use the service!
How is the CHC – Pharmacy different from outside pharmacies?
The CHC – Pharmacy is owned by CHC. We work directly with your health care team to coordinate your prescriptions and insurance information to help prevent any delays in starting your medication or treatment.
What are the benefits of using the CHC – Pharmacy?
It’s easy and convenient to fill your prescriptions at the CHC – Pharmacy. Our pharmacists will become part of your medical team to ensure you are getting the best care:
• Personalized services and specialized medications
• Competitive pricing and discounts with access to not-for-profit programs that can help you save money on your prescriptions
• Free delivery
How can I pay for prescriptions?
You can pay for your prescriptions with cash, check or a major credit card.
Can I use the CHC – Pharmacy after I’ve seen my provider at CHC?
Yes. Tell your health care team that you would like to use the CHC – Pharmacy. Remember to bring your pharmacy insurance card to your first visit.
How do I refill my prescription?
Our automated system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To refill a prescription quickly, use the Rx number from your prescription label. You can easily refill your prescription by:
• Calling (802) 318-4191
• Logging into your account here.
I don’t have any refills left on my prescriptions. What should I do?
No special steps are necessary. Order your refill using one of the steps above. If there are no refills remaining, the pharmacy will contact your provider for you to obtain a new prescription. Please keep in mind that refill authorizations may take one to three business days, depending on the day you request the refill and the provider’s schedule.
Can I fill my prescriptions at the CHC – Pharmacy if my provider is not at Community Health Centers?
Yes. You can either bring in your prescriptions from non-CHC providers, or request that your provider send your prescriptions to the CHC – Pharmacy by phone, fax, or electronically.
What insurance does the CHC – Pharmacy accept?
Most insurance plans are accepted. You can get more information by calling one of our Customer Service Coordinators at (802) 318-4191.
What if I don’t have insurance?
We offer discounted prices to CHC patients who get prescriptions written by CHC providers, and competitive pricing for cash paying patients.
The pharmacist told me that my prescription requires prior authorization (PA). What does that mean?
Insurance plans sometimes require additional information from your provider before they will cover certain medications. Our pharmacy staff will work with your insurance plan and your health care provider to complete any PA requirements. The PA process may take several days; you will be notified once your prescription has been approved or denied by your insurance company.
Option 2: Community Health Pharmacy
Whether or not you have insurance, Community Health Pharmacy (separate from CHC – Pharmacy) in Colchester can provide you with affordable medications with the ease of home delivery. Ask for an easy sign-up brochure at your visit, or contact CHP toll free at (888) 669-9017 or click the button below.